Have issues with writing consistently? You need to read this


 I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from the work.”-Louis C. K.

We have heard it several times that writers need to be consistent. If you have not, where have you been hiding? Popular writer Jeff Goins encourages writers to keep writing no matter what. According to him, the process is more important especially when you are trying to build your writing muscle.

Writing consistently is not as easy as it sounds but here are three ways you can achieve it with ease.

1. Think of the Long Term

It is very common for a new writer to start off being really excited, and then weeks after, the fire dies down. There are many reasons why this could happen; you are not getting the feedback that you expected, writing doesn’t seem to yield any fruit because the rejection mails keep coming in or nobody is reading your posts or articles. You must think beyond the present if you want to have staying power as a writer. Remember that things will pay off in the long run if you write consistently and you constantly improve yourself.

2. Be disciplined

A professional writer is a disciplined writer. You have to make decisions and consciously follow through with those decisions. Situations will not always make things comfortable for you to write but you have to put in the effort. It is not enough to start a task you must also finish it. Commit to writing a minimum number of words per day to start with.

3. Make sure you are passionate



If you are not excited about what you do it won’t be long before you become discouraged. Passion keeps you going when things are not going as they should. You should be excited about the idea of weaving stories, learning new words and being a writer. Don’t go into writing for the wrong reasons else it won’t be long before you get out.



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