Searching for clients? This is how to find them

So you’ve decided to take the plunge to become a writer. That’s great. Just one problem though; where are you supposed to find clients? This could be quite a tough nut to crack but we have some useful tips that will make it easier for you.

Network. The way the world of business works is this – people recommend people they know and they’ve tried out to others. It’s the same for freelance writing. You need to start networking and building relationships not just with writers but also with people in other industries.

Build relationships. This is a follow on to the last point. Get to know your clients on a personal level. Exceed their expectations. Can we add; go beyond what you are being paid to do. Throw in some free work or advice that will help their business. What we’re saying is add value to them and they will add value to you by bringing clients your way.

Listen. Don’t be in a hurry to get the dotted lines signed and move on with the job. Stop and listen to your clients. Clients love to be heard. Don’t assume that they have a particular need. Ask and listen to their response.

Ask as many questions as possible and listen attentively so you’d be armed with all the information you need to make your client happy. You should always send a follow up email that captures your understanding of the meeting so you’re both on the same page. Plus it makes you look professional too.

Be visible. Appear in places where your target clients will easily find you. What websites do they visit What publications do they read? You may want to consider being a guest writer for the blogs magazines that your potential client reads. It’s free advertisement for you and makes it easy for a potential client to find you. Always make sure you write a catchy profile for yourself and include your field of expertise.

Ask for testimonials. After you’ve done a great job for a client, ask for testimonials. Nothing is greater than a satisfied client who puts in a good word for you. Collate those testmonials and put them on your blog and on social media. Let people know that they’ll have a great experience working with you.

The most important tip we can however give you is to be excellent at what you do. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, once you deliver excellent results you’ll find clients and these clients will stay. So improve yourself., get better at writing and add some new skills.

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